

The Ratings feature is available in Countly Lite, Countly Enterprise, and as an add-on in Flex.

Benefits of Ratings

Ratings allow you to quickly and easily collect, store, search, and track user feedback from web and mobile applications. It pops up as a widget that triggers the collection of data so that you can obtain feedback from users.

Getting Started

The Ratings feature is enabled by default in both Countly Enterprise and Countly Lite, and you can find it in the Main Menu > Feedback. If you still don’t see it, go to the Sidebar > Management > Feature Management and enable the Rating toggle.


Integrating Ratings

Integration of the Ratings widget into your application is SDK-specific, and it's important to note that not all SDKs support ratings. The setup process varies depending on the platform or technology you're using.

For detailed instructions, please refer to our comprehensive SDK Integration Guide, which covers everything from getting started with SDKs to platform-specific implementations such as iOS, Android, Web Analytics, Flutter, and more.

Using Ratings

Ratings Tab

Upon accessing this View, you will see the results of your ratings widgets.


Here you will find:

  1. An overview of the cumulative data from the Ratings widgets.
  2. Option to filter them by platform, device, and widget name. Note that applying a filter will apply to all the results shown in this View.
  3. Displays the number of users for each rating.
  4. This table includes two tabs:
    • Ratings - Displays the above graph's data in a tabular format.
    • Comments - Shows the free-text responses from the Ratings widget in a tabular format.

You can also search for a particular user involved in the collected feedback, by entering their email address in the search bar.

Ratings Widgets Tab


When accessing this tab, you will find a list with all the existing widgets created to report Ratings. The list allows you to quickly enable/disable any widget, using the toggle button. Additionally, clicking on the Ratings widget name will lead you to the Rating widget's respective detailed view.

Finally, the + Add New Widget button in the upper-right corner opens the drawer to create a new Ratings widget.

Creating a New Widget

Ratings Settings


The Add new widget drawer contains a form on the right side. As you edit the fields, the preview of the widget on the left side will reflect the changes.

This section contains the following:

  1. Internal Name - Name for internal purposes; it will not be displayed to the end user.
  2. Question - Customizable questions that can be created.
  3. Add User Consent - You can enable user consent for collecting any data related to a user. You will have to add the terms and conditions, policies, and any other link related to user consent once you click here. To know more, click here.
  4. Buttons - Allows customization of the submit button and thank you message.

If you leave these fields empty, their values are set by default.

Ratings Appearance

The step involves the following options:


  1. Rating Symbol - Customize the rating symbol from the dropdown menu.
  2. Logo - You can use your company's logo to reinforce brand identity.
  3. Color - Personalize the background and font color.
  4. Trigger Customization - You can customize the size, position on the page, and the text of the trigger button to create seamless user experience.
  5. Visibility - For some use cases that require a manual popup call, there is an option called Hide sticker. If you check this option, the popup trigger button will not be seen on the page, even if you integrate Ratings to your site. Instead, you need to call the Ratings popup manually through the show_feedback_popup(widget_id) method.

Ratings Targeting


In this step, you can easily enable or disable the Ratings popup for some devices (e.g. desktop, tablet, or phone). Also, you can define target pages for which the Ratings popup will be shown.

You can define the exact target pages like /products/our-great-product or use /products/* for all pages under the /products/ path.

By default, Ratings popups are disabled. If you want to enable them, just click on Set Ratings Active checkbox. You may also change the Ratings popup state after you create it as well.

When you click on the Save button, your Ratings popup is ready to be shown to your users.

After creating the popup, a helper page for the web integration will appear. You just need to copy the highlighted line and paste it into your html file, inside the Countly SDK. For details, please check the Integration step above.

Individual Rating Detailed View

This section provides detailed information about each rating widget:


  1. Overview of the rating's status and details.
  2. Targeting criteria selected for the rating.
  3. Summary of results, including the number of ratings received, the rating rate, and the frequency with which it was displayed to the targeted users.
  4. Displays each rating and comments in a tabular format.
  5. Controls to stop, edit, or delete the rating widget.

Ratings Tab

This tab presents the results for each rating.


Comments Tab

This tab shows the comments for each individual rating, including feedback from individual users.


You can view more details about a respondent by clicking the View User button, which will direct you to their user profile.

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