Arturs Kadikis
Activity overview
Latest activity by Arturs Kadikis-
Arturs Kadikis created an article, Net Promoter Score®
Availability The NPS feature is available in Countly Enterprise and as an add-on in Flex. Benefits of NPS On the surface, NPS might seem like any other CSAT survey. However, look closely, and you...
Arturs Kadikis created an article, Ratings
Availability The Ratings feature is available in Countly Lite, Countly Enterprise, and as an add-on in Flex. Benefits of Ratings Ratings allows you to quickly and easily collect, store, search, a...
Arturs Kadikis created an article, Surveys
Availability The Surveys feature is available in Countly Enterprise and as an add-on in Flex. Benefits of Surveys User research and customer feedback collection are key inputs for any successful ...
Arturs Kadikis created an article, Analyzing Your Data
Built-in Reports We have started this document by stating Countly is designed to be helpful not only for teams who interact with data daily but also for everyone in an organization that touches the...
Arturs Kadikis created an article, Analytics Strategy
How to use the Countly building blocks in your product? Recommendations for App Separation / Segregation In an example scenario where you have one web application, one iOS application, and one Andr...
Arturs Kadikis created an article, GTM Template
This documentation shows how you can use the Countly GTM SDK in Google Tag Manager platform. You can reach the source code of the SDK from its Git repo here. Adding the SDK to the Project You can r...
Arturs Kadikis created an article, Android (23.06)
This document will guide you through the process of Countly SDK installation and it applies to version 23.06.X Click here, to access the documentation for older SDK versions. The Countly Android ...
Arturs Kadikis created an article, iOS, watchOS, tvOS & macOS (23.06)
This document includes necessary information for integrating the Countly iOS SDK into in your iOS / watchOS / tvOS / macOS applications, and applies to version 23.06.X. Click here, to access the do...
Arturs Kadikis created an article, Flutter (23.6)
This document will guide you through the process of Countly SDK installation and it applies to version 23.6.0 Click here, to access the documentation for older SDK versions. This document include...
Arturs Kadikis created an article, Crash Symbolication
Crash Symbolication lets you symbolicate/de-obfuscate crash reports and convert them into human readable format, helping you pinpoint where in your code a crash is originating from. Availability T...