

Analytics is the core of Countly, where data-powered insights meet powerful and customizable segmentations, providing you with unlimited ways of unlocking the power of all your data points.

In Countly, this section comes with the following submenu. Each feature is explained further in this User Guide.


Keep in mind that depending on the type of application used on Countly (mobile, web, or desktop), these menu items will be displayed differently: for example, User Analytics in a mobile application (as listed above) will appear as Visitor Analytics in a web application.

Note: Session Analytics is currently not included in this User Guide, and will be added in soon.

User Analytics


The User Analytics feature is available in Countly Lite, Countly Enterprise, and built-in Flex. However, Countly Lite has limited feature and view availability.

The User Analytics feature comprises of three views:

  1. Users Overview
  2. Online Users (available only in Countly Enterprise)
  3. Active Users (available only in Countly Enterprise)

Users Overview

The Users Overview View shows you the most common metrics related to your audience when tracking user activity on your application or website. This allows you to see patterns in user activity, as well as identify how many users are returning.

Getting Started

To start using Users Overview, go to Main Menu > Analytics > User Analytics. The Users Overview View is the default View.

Understanding Users Overview


The Users Overview View is divided into a data chart at the top of the page, and a data table under it. Both the data table and the chart contain the below information:

  1. Total Users (Total Visitors, in the case of websites/web apps): This is the number of unique devices your application is used from during the selected period. Total Users (Visitors) is a good indicator of overall traffic to your application or website. It is calculated as Total Users (Visitors) = New Users (Visitors) + Returning Users (Visitors). Also Total Users equals to Unique Sessions that is given on Session Analytics.
  2. New Users (New Visitors, in the case of websites/web apps): This is the number of first-time users/visitors. It shows how many users are on your app or website for the first time. If, in any other period, the same user opens your app or website again, they won't count as a new user. New Users (Visitors) is a good indicator of how effective your branding, marketing, and other activities may be in acquiring new traffic. It equals New Sessions.
  3. Returning Users (Returning Visitors, in the case of websites/web apps): This is the number of users who have opened/visited your app/website more than once. Returning Users (Visitors) is a good indicator of how relevant your users and visitors find your application and website. It is calculated as Returning Users (Visitors) = Unique Users (Visitors) = Total Users (Visitors) - New Users (Visitors)

Using Users Overview

The data chart and data table will be populated for the selected time period. To determine the time period for which you want to see the data, use the dropdown menu button and set the desired date range. Once you set a date range, the data table and chart will automatically be populated with the relevant data. Depending on the date range selected, the data will be shown on a daily or monthly basis.

Data Chart


The Data Chart shows you the Total Users, New Users, and Returning Users (as explained above) through a line chart or a bar chart. You can use the dropdown menu button on the top right corner of the data chart to select the option you prefer. 

Each of these metrics also has a percentage next to them. This value showcases the increase or decrease in the metric since the previous period. i.e., the period of the same duration as the selected time period and just preceding it.

You can use the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the chart to download the chart as an image in PNG format.

Data Table


The Data Table is under the Data Chart and includes the below details (as explained above) for each date:

  1. Date: The date of the readings.
  2. Total Users
  3. New Users
  4. Returning Users

You can filter the results in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrows next to any of the columns' headings. You can download the data table in CVS, JSON, or XLSX format by clicking the downward arrow button on the top right corner of the data table.

Online Users

The Online Users View allows you to track the the details of all users who are online on your website or application, in real time on your site or app. The results are continuously updated in seconds, and this period of time is customizable as per your requirements, ensuring that you get the most recent data you require.

Getting Started

To get started with Online Users, ensure that the time of update is set to your preferences. You can do this by going to Settings > Concurrent Users and then determining the time interval after which the data should automatically update. By default, this is set to 180 seconds.

To access the Online Users View, simply go to Main Menu > Analytics > User Analytics, and click on the second tab titled Online Users at the top of the page.

Understanding Online Users

What are Online Users?

Online users are unique users for which Countly receives a begin_session and have an ongoing session extended by session_duration and/or event requests. Countly considers the user offline as soon as it receives an end_session request for them, or after 60 seconds have passed since their last request was received.

Whenever a user opens your application or visits your website, they will be shown as an “online user” until the app or webpage is closed. When the application or webpage is closed, the SDK sends “session end” information to the server, terminating the online presence; therefore the number of online users will decrease by 1. Similarly, if the user loses internet connectivity, then the server will wait for 3 minutes before dropping the user’s online presence.



In the Online Users View, you will see a set of widgets of all users in real-time. These widgets include the following information:

  1. Users Right Now: This widget shows the total number of users, new and returning, that are currently on your app or website. In other words, it shows active users on the app during the last 180 seconds (or during the last period as set by you).
  2. Avg. Online Users per Minute: The highest number of online users per minute in the last 60 minutes are displayed, and the average of these records is reported as the Avg. Online Users per Minute.
  3. Avg. Online Users per Hour: The highest number of online users per hour in the last 24 hours are displayed, and the average of these records is reported as the Avg. Online Users per Hour. 
  4. Top Countries: The three countries from which the maximum number of online users are recorded.
  5. Top Devices: The three devices from which the maximum number of online users are recorded.
  6. Top Carriers: The three carriers from which the maximum number of online users are recorded.

Maximum Concurrent Online Users Data


To start using Concurrent Online Users, enable it by going to Sidebar > Management > Feature Management, and then enabling the toggle.

Under these widgets, you will see the data table and chart of Maximum Concurrent Online Users. This data table and chart include the below details:

  • Max. Concurrent Users' Data Chart: A bar chart showing the highest number of concurrent online users every day for the past 30 days.
  • 30 Days' Highs: The top 3 highest records in the last 30 days on the maximum concurrent online users chart are reported here, including the date on which this number of users was reached.
  • 30 Days' Lows: The 3 lowest records in the last 30 days on the maximum concurrent online users chart are reported here, including the date on which this number of users was reached.

Using Online Users

Applying Online Users' Data

The data within the table, chart, and widgets in the Online Users View allows you to identify periods of most activity on your website and app. It enables you to track the effects of any changes you may implement, as well as find points of inactivity in which you could boost engagement with your users to bring them to your application or website, such as by using push notifications.

Comparing Online Users

To delve more into this data, you can also compare the online users of different apps that you may be tracking. To do so, click the Compare button at the top right corner of the Online Users View. 


Once you are on the Compare Online Users View, start by selecting the apps for which you want to compare the online users. Use the dropdown menu to select up to a maximum of 5 applications to compare, and then click on the Compare button to populate the data table.

The data table will populate with the below data:

  • Application: The name of the application.
  • Users Right Now: The number of users online in real-time.
  • Avg. Online Users per Hour: The calculation as mentioned above for the application.
  • Avg. Online Users per Minute: The calculation as mentioned above for the application.
  • 30 Days' Highs: The calculation as mentioned above for the application.
  • 30 Days' Lows: The calculation as mentioned above for the application.

Use the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the data table to download a copy of the information in CVS, JSON, or XLSX format.

Note that Alert for Online Users was moved to the Alerts feature in Countly 22.x. You can create an alert for online user records or threshold if the Alert feature is enabled and you have permission to access it.

Active Users

Active Users include all those unique users/visitors who initiated at least one session. The Active Users View allows you to see all activity within your application or website/web app, including daily and monthly active users. With this data, you can monitor any periods of reduced and increased activity, and take the requisite action to reverse and maintain these levels respectively.

Getting Started

To start using Active Users, go to Main Menu > Analytics > User Analytics. Then, click on the third tab titled Active Users at the top of the default view.

Understanding Active Users

The Active Users View is divided into a data chart at the top of the page, and a data table under it. Both the data table and the chart contain the below information:

  • Daily Avg. Active Users: The daily recorded average of all users on the selected date, and within the selected time period.
  • Weekly Avg. Active Users: The weekly recorded average of all users on the selected date, and within the selected time period.
  • Monthly Avg. Active Users: The monthly recorded average of all users on the selected date, and within the selected time period.

For example, if today is 30th September:

Daily Active Users (DAU)  - get all active users on 30th September count

Weekly Active Users (WAU) - get all active users for 24th-30th September count

Monthly Active Users (MAU) - get all active users for 1st-30th September count

As for 30th September, it is done for each point on the graph. 

If you select the last 7 days, all metrics are calculated for each point (selected days) on the graphs, and metrics on the left side (DAU, WAU, and MAU) show the average of calculated data for selected time buckets.

Using Active Users

The data chart and data table will be populated for the selected time period. To determine the time period for which you want to see the data, use the dropdown menu button and set the desired date range. Once you set a date range, the data table and chart will automatically be populated with the relevant data.

Data Chart


The Data Chart shows you the Daily Avg. Active Users, Weekly Avg. Active Users, and Monthly Avg. Active Users (as explained above) through a line chart or a bar chart. You can use the dropdown menu button on the top right corner of the data chart to select the option you prefer. 

You can use the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the chart to download the chart as an image in PNG format. You can also choose to clear the cache by clicking on the Clear Cache button at the top right corner of the chart.

Data Table


The Data Table is under the Data Chart and includes the below details (as explained above) for each date:

  1. Date: The date of the readings.
  2. Daily Avg. Active Users
  3. Weekly Avg. Active Users
  4. Monthly Avg. Active Users

You can filter the results in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrows next to any of the columns' headings. You can download the data table in CVS, JSON, or XLSX format by clicking the downward arrow button on the top right corner of the data table.

User Loyalty


The User Loyalty feature is available in Countly Lite, Countly Enterprise, and built-in Flex. However, Countly Lite has limited feature and view availability.

The User Loyalty feature comprises of three views:

  1. User Activity (Filtering is only available in Countly Enterprise)
  2. Slipping Away (Filtering is only available in Countly Enterprise)
  3. Times of Day

User Activity

User Activity shows you how active your users have been on the basis of sessions as well as over specific time periods. Using this feature, you can identify the trends that users follow when it comes to how often and frequently they access your website/web app or application.

Getting Started

To start using User Activity, go to Main Menu > Analytics > User Loyalty. The default tab of the User Loyalty feature will be the User Activity View.

Understanding User Activity


The User Activity View contains a data chart and a data table, which contain the below information:

  • Session Count: The number of sessions across all time.
  • All Users: The number of unique users who have a session on your site or app. For example, X All Users for 6-9 Session Count means that X unique users initiated 6-9 sessions.
  • Active Users (7 days): The number of unique users who have sessions on your site or app on the last 7 days.
  • Active Users (30 days): The number of unique users who have a session on your site or app during the last 30 days.

Using User Activity

Data Chart

The Data Chart has the above mentioned information and is viewable as a bar chart, with session counts on the x-axis and number of users on the y-axis. You can download this chart as an image in PNG format by clicking on the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the chart.

Data Table

The Data Table contains the above mentioned information in tabular format. You can organize the data in ascending and descending order by clicking on the arrows in any of the columns' headings. You can also download this table in CSV, JSON, or XLSX format by clicking on the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the table.

Adding Filters

You can fine-tune the user data on the basis of certain filters. To do so, click the +New Filter button at the top of the page. Set a Property and its details and click on Apply Filter to apply it to your data. You can add more than one filter. To do so, click on +Add Filter within the dialog box that opens up. When you apply any filter, the Data Chart and Data Table will automatically be updated with the relevant data.

Loading Filters

If any previously created filters have been saved, you can apply these filters easily by clicking on the Load Filter button next to the +Add Filter button. Note, the Load Filter button only becomes visible when you have a saved filter.

Slipping Away

The Slipping Away View allows you to study the number and percentage of users who didn't have a session in your application for more than 7, 14, 30, 60, and 90 days, in buckets. You can also display individual users in each bucket with the User Profiles feature. Note, the User Profiles feature is available only in the Enterprise Edition, which makes this functionality of Slipping Away also available only in the Enterprise Edition.

Getting Started

To start using Slipping Away, go to Main Menu > Analytics > User Loyalty. The default view - User Activity - will open up. From here, click on the Slipping Away tab at the top of the page to go to the right view.

If you would like to delve into individual user data as mentioned above, you will need to ensure that you have the Enterprise Edition and that you have enabled the User Profiles feature. To do this, go to Sidebar > Management > Feature Management and enable the User Profiles toggle.

Understanding Slipping Away

The Slipping Away View allows you to see which users and groups of users consistently use/visit your application/website. This allows you to better understand why users may be bouncing and what you can do to remove any frictions causing this churn.


The Slipping Away View comprises of a data chart and a data table, which contain the below information:

  • No Session In (Days): This shows the number of days in which a user has not had a session and is grouped into 7, 14, 30, 60, and 90 days.
  • Slipping Away User Count: This shows the number of users in each of the time period buckets.
  • Percentage: Only visible in the Data Table, this shows the percentage of users (as a section of the total number of users) who fit into that time period bucket.

Using Slipping Away

Data Chart

The Data Chart has the above-mentioned information and is viewable as a bar chart, with time period counts on the x-axis and number of users on the y-axis. You can download this chart as an image in PNG format by clicking on the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the chart.

Data Table

The Data Table contains the above-mentioned information in tabular format. You can organize the data in ascending and descending order by clicking on the arrows in any of the columns' headings. You can also delve into the list of users in each time period bucket by clicking on the View User List hyperlink in the last column in each relevant row. You can also download this table in CSV, JSON, or XLSX format by clicking on the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the table.

Adding Filters

You can fine-tune the user data on the basis of certain filters. To do so, click the +New Filter button at the top of the page. Set a Property and its details and click on Apply Filter to apply it to your data. You can add more than one filter. To do so, click on +Add Filter within the dialog box that opens up. When you apply any filter, the Data Chart and Data Table will automatically be updated with the relevant data.

Loading Filters

If any previously created filters have been saved, you can apply these filters easily by clicking on the Load Filter button next to the +Add Filter button.

Times of Day

The Times of Day feature allows you to see the times and days of Session and Event occurrences in your applications based on users' local time. You can visualize data for the current month, past month, last three months, and all time, getting insights into the times and days on which certain actions are more common amongst your application users.

This data can be especially useful if you wish to time in-app push notifications, identify usage trends, and A/B test changes to bring about a spike in times that are otherwise showing low engagement.

Getting Started

To get started with Times of Day, go to Main menu > Analytics > User Loyalty. The default view - User Activity - will open up. From here, click on the Times of Day tab at the top of the page to go to the right view.

Understanding Times of Day

As mentioned above, Times of Day analytics can be filtered for Session or Event data, and for the time period of the current month, past month, last three months, and all time. The data within the data chart and data table is dependent on the criteria you select.

Using Times of Day

Selecting Criteria

To start, use the Dropdown Menu at the top left of the page to choose between Session data and Event data. Next, use the Dropdown Menu at the top right of the page to determine a time period. This will automatically populate the data chart and data table.

Data Chart


The Data Chart contains the hour of the day, in 24-hour format, on the x-axis, and the days of the week on the y-axis. Colored circles show the activity at the overlap of both these factors. The larger the circle, the higher the number of users it indicates.

You can download this chart as an image in PNG format by clicking on the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the chart.

Data Table


Under the Data Chart is the Data Table, which contains the information in tabular format, including specific user numbers. The Data Table contains:

  1. Hours: The time of the day, broken into hourly chunks.
  2. Days: Each day has a dedicated column in which the number of users active per hour is shown.

You can download this table in CSV, JSON, or XLSX format by clicking on the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the table.

Sources / Acquisition


The Sources / Acquisition feature is available in Countly Lite, Countly Enterprise, and built-in Flex.

The Acquisition or Sources feature is named differently for mobile applications and websites. For mobile applications, it is known as Sources and for websites, it is known as Acquisition. This feature allows you to see where your users are coming from, enabling you to better target your outreach and marketing activities, as well as identify weaker spots of engagement that can be boosted.

Getting Started

To begin using Sources / Acquisition, you need to first enable the feature. To do so, go to Sidebar > Management > Feature Management, and enable the toggle next to Sources.

It is important to note here that the Sources / Acquisition feature shows up in your menu differently, based on whether you're using Countly to track data for a mobile application or website. Sources (for mobile applications) can be accessed by going to Main Menu > Analytics > Sources, and Acquisition (for websites) can be accessed by going to Main Menu > Analytics > Acquisition.

Sources has only one view: Sources.

Acquisition has two views: Traffic Sources (which is the default View) and Search Terms.

Understanding Sources / Acquisition

Terms and Definitions

Both Sources and Acquisition, share some metric terms. These include:

  • Total Sessions: Number of times your application is opened or website is accessed, by new or returning users, in the selected time period.
  • Total Users (for mobile apps) / Total Visitors (for websites): Number of times your application is opened or website is accessed, by a new or returning user from a unique device, in the selected time period. It is equal to the number of Unique Sessions.
  • New Users (for mobile apps) / New Visitors (for websites): Number of times your application is opened or website is accessed by a new user, in the selected time period. It is equal to the number of New Sessions.

In addition, you will also come across the following metric terms:

  • Sources (in Sources, for mobile applications): The source from where users were generated.
  • Traffic Sources (in Acquisition for websites): The source from where website traffic was generated.
  • Search Terms (in Acquisition for websites): The details of the search terms that contributed to website traffic coming in from search engines.

Understanding Sources

The Sources feature is available for mobile applications. Sources has one view only: Sources View. It contains the following elements:

  • Date Picker: This dropdown button allows you to select and set a date range for which you want to see results.
  • Total Sessions Pie Chart: This shows you the break-up of the sources of the total sessions on your application, in the form of a pie chart. Next to the chart is the key that shows you the list of sources and their percentage in the total number of sessions, for the selected time period.
  • New Users Pie Chart: This shows you the break-up of the sources of the new users on your application, in the form of a pie chart. Next to the chart is the key that shows you the list of sources and their percentage in the total number of new users, for the selected time period.
  • Data Table: The data table contains four columns, highlighting the Sources, Total Sessions, Total Users, and New Users for the selected time period.

Understanding Acquisition

The Acquisition feature is available for websites. It has two views:

Traffic Sources: This highlights all the sources which drive traffic to your website.

Search Terms: This highlights all the search terms that drive traffic to your website.

Traffic Sources View


The Traffic Sources View contains the below elements:

  • Date Picker: This dropdown button allows you to select and set a date range for which you want to see results.
  • Total Sessions Pie Chart: This shows you the break-up of the sources of the total sessions on your application, in the form of a pie chart. Next to the chart is the key that shows you the list of sources and their percentage in the total number of sessions, for the selected time period.
  • New Users Pie Chart: This shows you the break-up of the sources of the new users on your application, in the form of a pie chart. Next to the chart is the key that shows you the list of sources and their percentage in the total number of new users, for the selected time period.
  • Data Table: The data table contains four columns, highlighting the Search Terms, Total Sessions, Total Users, and New Users for the selected time period.

Search Terms View


The Search Terms View contains the below elements:

  • Date Picker: This dropdown button allows you to select and set a date range for which you want to see results.
  • Widgets for the Top 3 Search Terms: This shows you the top three search terms as well as the value and percentage of the users that are driven to the website by these terms.
  • Data Table: The data table contains four columns, highlighting the Traffic Sources, Total Sessions, Total Users, and New Users for the selected time period.

Using Sources / Acquisition

Using Sources

To start using Sources, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Sources in your mobile application Countly instance. 

First, set a date range for the period for which you want to analyze or study your source results. Use the Dropdown Menu button at the top left of the page to do this.

The Pie Charts and Data table will automatically update with data for the relevant period. You can download the data table as a CSV, JSON, or XLSX file using the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the table.

You can also arrange the results in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrows next to any of the column headings. 

To drill further into the sources data, click on the 3-dot Ellipsis Menu button at the top right corner of the page and then click on Drill Data. This will take you to the Drill feature. You can also explore the settings of the feature by clicking on Plugin Settings.

Using Acquisition

To start using Acquisition, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Acquisition in your mobile application Countly instance. The default view is the Traffic Sources View

Using the Traffic Sources View

First, set a date range for the period for which you want to analyze or study your traffic source results. Use the Dropdown Menu button at the top left of the page to do this.

The Pie Charts and Data table will automatically update with data for the relevant period. You can remove any specific traffic source from the relevant pie chart by clicking on the source in the list next to the pie chart. This allows you to focus on specific traffic sources.

You can download the data table as a CSV, JSON, or XLSX file using the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the table. You can also arrange the results in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrows next to any of the column headings. 

To drill further into the sources data, click on the 3-dot Ellipsis Menu button at the top right corner of the page and then click on Drill Data. This will take you to the Drill feature. You can also explore the settings of the feature by clicking on Plugin Settings.

Using the Search Terms View

To shift to the Search Terms View, click on Search Terms at the top of the Acquisition default view. This will take you to the Search Terms View.

First, set a date range for the period for which you want to analyze or study your traffic source results. Use the Dropdown Menu button at the top left of the page to do this.

The Widgets and Data table will automatically update with data for the relevant period. The widgets will show you the top three search terms. For each of these, you will see the number of users as well as the percentage they contribute to the total number of users.

You can download the data table as a CSV, JSON, or XLSX file using the Downward Arrow button at the top right corner of the table. You can also arrange the results in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrows next to any of the column headings.  

Search Terms Not Provided

Sometimes, you may be unable to see the details of the keywords that redirect traffic to your website from a search engine. This isn't a bug. It is due to the fact that search engines protect their users and do not pass keywords. The most commonly used search engine is Google, and even Google's analytics tool doesn't provide this data; 99% of the keywords in Google Analytics are now marked as (not provided).

Views / Page Views


The Views feature is available in Countly Lite, Countly Enterprise, and built-in Flex

With the Views feature, Countly can collect data from the webpages of your website, your users' activities in your app, or any custom views that you can report manually. This valuable information will help you understand how your users are using your app or website and which are the most popular sections that the users visit.

The Views feature is known as Views in mobile applications and as Page Views in web apps or websites. For ease of reference, this guide refers to it as Views from hereon, which includes Page Views too.

Getting Started

The Views feature is enabled by default. To use the Views feature, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Views (or Page Views)

Understanding Views

The Views View contains three parts:

  1. Widgets
  2. Data Chart
  3. Data Table

All the data within these three elements is shown for a selected time period. You can set the date range for which you wish to see View data by using the Dropdown Menu button at the top left of the page.



There are three widgets in Views. They include:

  1. Total Page Views: The total number of pages viewed in the selected time period.
  2. Unique Page Views: Number of times a page is viewed in your application for the first time by users during a session, in the selected time period.
  3. Bounce Rate: Number of users who have landed on a page without visiting other pages, calculated as a percentage of the total number of users who landed on the page, in the selected time period.

Data Table and Data Chart

The data table and data chart of Views contains the below information:

  1. Total Users who accessed this view.
  2. New Users who accessed this view for the first time.
  3. Total Visits of a specific view.
  4. Landings on this view, for users who started your application with this view or landed on your webpage.
  5. Exits, which is how many users exited your app or website from this view or webpage.
  6. Average Time, which shows how much time users spend on the page, expressed in minutes.
  7. Bounces, which shows when a user started and exited from the same view, without viewing other views.
  8. Bounce rate, which is calculated as (#of Bounce / # Landings) expressed as a percentage.
  9. Unique Page Views, which represent the number of sessions during which that page was viewed one or more times. For example, a user viewing the same page 3 times in a single session will generate 3 page views, whereas unique page views are calculated on a session basis. This means that if the same user loads a page 3 times in a given session, it's only calculated as 1 unique page view.
  10. Average scroll, which shows how much users scrolled down to the page, expressed as a percentage and available only for web apps.

Using Views

Select a Time Period

The Views default view contains the above-mentioned three elements. The widgets highlight the key metrics of Views. The Data Chart and Data Table showcase the above items, and can be used as explained below.

To start using Views, first you need to set a time period for which you want to review data. Use the dropdown menu button at the top left of the page to set your desired date range. The data within the widgets, data table, and data chart will automatically be updated to reflect the information for the selected period.

Data Chart


The Data Chart offers a graphical representation of the above-mentioned metrics. To change the metric for which the graph is showing you data, use the dropdown menu button above the chart and select the desired metric (Total users, Total visits, etc.).

Next, using the second dropdown menu button above the chart, choose whether you want to see the data for All Segments or set a filter. To set a filter, simply fill in the details in the drawer that pops up when you click on the dropdown menu. Then, click on Confirm to apply the filter and update your data.

You can download any graph as a PNG file by clicking the downward arrow button on the top right of the chart.

Data Table


The Data Table offers a tabular view of the above-mentioned metrics. You can choose to view these metrics for all Views or for Selected Views by using the dropdown menu button at the top left of the table. To edit the info you see in the data table, you can click on the Edit Views button. See here for more information.

You can also edit the table to view metrics that are important to you. To do so, click on the Hamburger Menu at the top right corner of the table and check/uncheck the metrics you want to see / not see. You can also arrange the data in ascending or descending order of any of the metrics by clicking on the arrows next to each column head.

You can search within the Data Table using the search bar in the top right corner or download the data in a CSV, JSON, or XLSX file using the downward arrow button.

To delve into any Views details, use the Drill feature.

Editing Views

To edit any View, click on Edit Views. This will take you to a separate page. On this page, for each view, you can:

  • Change the Display Name: This is useful in case of a long view name that needs to be shortened for better viewing or sorting purposes. Note that this only changes the display name and not any data.  For example if  there are views with names  /home?id=1 and /home and user changes /home?id=1 display name to /home, there will be just two entries with name /home in views page.
  • Delete any Views: To delete any View, simply click its checkbox and then click on the Delete button that is highlighted. To delete multiple Views, select multiple checkboxes and click Delete.

Limits on Views

Countly sets limits for different pages' views in your settings. If you exceed this limit, the Views feature will give you an alert as shown below:

When you see this alert, it means that your set limit of views has been reached and anything over it does not get recorded. Hence, it is important to not ignore this alert - ignoring it may cause loss of important data. 

In most cases, this limit is reached due to inefficient View tracking. For example, storing Views like /myhome?id=1 and /myhome?id=2 instead of a single View like /home. This leads to extra data being captured and the limit reached. 

If you do see this alert, you need to therefore undertake one of two options to ensure that you rectify any potential loss of data:

  1. Go to Management > Settings and change the limit, or
  2. Clear out Views that you don't need



The Heatmaps feature is available only for web in Countly Enterprise and built-in Flex.

Heatmaps allow you to see the amount of engagement users have with your websites and web applications, in the forms of clicks and scrolls.

Benefits of Heatmaps

Through Click Heatmaps, you can see which elements of a page were clicked on more, while Scroll Heatmaps allow you to see how much of a web page user went through. Heatmaps are a crucial feature in understanding what is working or not working to grab users' attention. Part of web analytics, it helps you ensure that your website and web apps are as attractive as they can be to acquire users and keep them engaged.

Getting Started

The Heatmaps feature is available for web analytics only. To get started with using Heatmaps, you need to first ensure that it has been enabled from the web SDK. After that, you can view a heatmap (click or scroll) by going to Main Menu > Analytics > Heatmaps.

Understanding Heatmaps

What is a Click Heatmap?

Click Heatmaps allow you to see where your users usually click on your website. You can also switch among different resolutions to see visitor behaviors in various devices. Aggregated visitor clicks on desktop devices and taps on mobile devices are used to visualize heatmaps on a red to blue color scale - red shows areas of high number of clicks, while blue shows areas of low number of clicks. 


Note that browsers do not allow loading HTTP iframe content on HTTPS websites. For this reason, if you are using HTTPS on your Countly instance, you will only be able to view HTTPS content and no HTTP page content will be visible.

What is a Scroll Heatmap?

Scroll Heatmaps will give you a clear overview of how far users scroll to in your page. You can use this actionable data to position important content according to the average fold, or point out whether users are actually missing parts of pages that they should not.


Just like in Click Heatmaps, you can also segment your users by device, e.g., desktop, tablet, or mobile.

Basic Definitions

Scroll Depth: Scroll depth refers to the percentage of the page a visitor has scrolled and seen. Countly reports scroll depths in 10% increments, beginning at the top of the page for which you are studying data. For example, if the total page height is 1950 px, 20% scroll depth means that users reported for this scroll depth viewed 390 px (1950*0.2) of the page.

Average Scroll Depth:  Average scroll depth is the average weighted scroll depth. For example, if the average scroll depth is reported as 20%, that means that on average your visitors scrolled and saw 20% of the content of the page.  

Users: The total number of users that viewed or scrolled down through each corresponding scroll depth. The percent of these users are given next to users count as the percent of users in total users of related page. 

Heatmaps View

The Heatmaps View contains the below elements:

  1. Date Picker: This dropdown menu allows you to select the date range for your results.
  2. Widgets:
    1. Total Page Views: The total number of page views for the selected device type(s) and within the selected date range.
    2. Avg. Scroll Depth: The average depth, shown in percentage, that users scrolled down on the selected device type(s) and within the selected date range.
  3. Data Table:
    1. For Clicks: The first tab in the table, this shows you the data table for click heatmaps. It includes two columns: Pages and Heatmaps. See Using Heatmaps section below for more information.
    2. For Scrolls: The second tab in the table, this shows you the data table for scroll heatmaps. It includes three columns: Pages, Average Scroll Depth, and Heatmaps. See Using Heatmaps section below for more information.

Using Heatmaps


Setting Date Range and Device

To start using Heatmaps, you need to first use the Dropdown Menu button at the top left of the page to set a date range for which you wish to see data. 

Reading Data Cards/Widgets

The Heatmaps View has two data cards/widgets that gives you a snapshot of the two most important metrics:

  1. Total Page Views: This provides you with information on the total number of page views for the selected device type(s) and within the selected date range. When any of these two factors are changed, the cards will update automatically.
  2. Avg. Scroll Depth: This provides you with information on the average depth, shown in percentage, that users scrolled down on the selected device type(s) and within the selected date range. When any of these two factors are changed, the cards will update automatically.

Data Table

You can switch between Click Heatmaps and Scroll Heatmaps by clicking on the relevant tabs at the top of the Data Table. 

The Data Table contains the below details, for either Scroll Heatmap or both Scroll and Click Heatmaps:

  1. Pages: This column comes in the data table of both Click and Scroll Heatmap tabs. This is a list of page names for which you can access heatmaps. Note: Page names on the data table are fetched by Page Views (Views) feature. If a page name is edited, the new page name is shown on this table.
  2. Heatmaps Links: This column comes in the data table of both Click and Scroll Heatmap tabs. To view the click or scroll heatmap of any page, click on the link of the relevant row within this column. Note: Clicking on a link under Click Heatmap will take you to the click heatmap of the relevant page, while the same relationship holds true for scroll heatmaps.
  3. Average Scroll Depth: This column is available only for the Scroll Heatmap Data Table. This column shows you the complete length of the page (in px), the average percentage to which users scrolled down the page, as well as a visual representation of this percentage in the form of a bar.

Reading Heatmaps

To view any heatmap - click or scroll - simply click on the View heatmap button in the relevant row of the desired tab. This will take you to the click (or scroll) heatmap of the page itself. You can change the resolution of the page at the top of the preview to see the heatmap across different devices.

Heatmaps Troubleshooting

In rare cases, you may find that heatmaps are simply not showing up in your application. This could be due to an incorrect setup. When viewing Heatmaps, the SDK loads the script heatmaps.js onto your application which in turn, loads some other scripts, styles, and fonts, displaying the Heatmap for the current view. The source for all these scripts is your Countly server. So you might want to allow loading scripts from a source that is different from your applications source (if your application and Countly have different origins).

Here are the scripts that you want to allow your application to load from the Countly server incase you are not allowing them:

  • /views/heatmap.js
  • /views/javascripts/simpleheat.js
  • /views/stylesheets/heatmap.css
  • /stylesheets/ionicons/css/ionicons.min.css
  • /stylesheets/ionicons/fonts/
  • /fonts/



The Geo feature is available in Countly Lite, Countly Enterprise, and as an add-on in Flex. However, Countly Lite has limited feature and view availability.

The Geo feature allows you to get a complete look into the geographical breakup of your users and sessions on the basis of country and language. This allows you to understand where your users are coming from, and develop localization strategies to improve retention in regions your app or website is popular while also improving acquisition and engagement for areas that aren't as popular.

Getting Started

Before you use the Geo feature, you need to enable it and its multiple views. To do so, go to Sidebar > Management > Feature Management and turn on the toggle next to Activity Map and Languages. You will then be able to access the Geo feature and views by going to Main Menu > Analytics > Geo.

Understanding Geo


The Geo feature has three Views:

  1. Countries
  2. Activity Map (available only in Countly Enterprise)
  3. Languages


The Countries View offers an overview of the geographical distribution of your users and the sessions they undertake, for the selected time period. It pulls aggregated Countly data.


This View contains the following:

  1. Date picker: A dropdown menu, which allows you to determine the date period for which you want to visualize data.
  2. Widgets: Three widgets, located on the left side of the page, provides a snapshot of Total Sessions, Total Users, and New Users (see definitions below). Each value is expressed in a number and contains a percentage next to it to show a rise or fall in the number since the previous period.
  3. Map: A large part of the Countries View is dedicated to an interactive map. You can click on any part of the map to delve into data for a specific geography.
  4. Data table: The data table is under the map and widgets. It contains the Country (name of the countries) and the below metrics for each country:
    • Total Sessions: Number of times your application is opened, by new or returning users, in the selected time period.
    • Total Users: Number of times your application is opened by a new or returning user from a unique device, in the selected time period. It is equal to the number of Unique Sessions.
    • New Users: Number of times your application is opened by a new user, in the selected time period. It is equal to the number of New Sessions.

Activity Map

The Activity Map View offers an overview of your users’/visitors’ session or event-based activities on the world map. It visualizes session and event data at a country, state, and city level, and is pulled from Drill data.


This View contains the following:

  1. Results Filter: A button that allows you to switch between session and event data.
  2. Date picker: A dropdown menu, which allows you to determine the date period for which you want to visualize data.
  3. +Add Filter Button: This allows you to add properties that you can use to filter results. You can also load an existing filter using the Load button.
  4. List of Countries: A list of all countries in which activity is recorded for the selected data type and within the selected date range. 
  5. Map: A large part of the Activity Map View is dedicated to an interactive map. You can click on any part of the map to delve into data for a specific geography.


The Languages View offers details of the application languages your users are using, in the selected time period and as determined by their default device language settings. 


This View contains the following:

  1. Date picker: A dropdown menu, which allows you to determine the date period for which you want to visualize data.
  2. Total Sessions Chart: Breakdown of Total Sessions by language, displayed in a pie chart.
  3. New Users Chart: Breakdown of New Users by language, displayed in a pie chart.
  4. Data table: The Data Table contains the below information:
    • Language: The name of the language.
    • Total Sessions: Number of times your application is opened, by new or returning users with the relevant language, in the selected time period. Displayed as a number, this column also shows the share of the language in the total number of sessions as a whole, expressed as a percentage and as a bar.
    • Total Users: Number of times your application is opened by a new or returning user from a unique device with the relevant language, in the selected time period. It is equal to the number of Unique Sessions. Displayed as a number, this column also shows the share of the language in the total number of users as a whole, expressed as a percentage and as a bar.
    • New Users: Number of times your application is opened by a new user with the relevant language, in the selected time period. It is equal to the number of New Sessions. Displayed as a number, this column also shows the share of the language in the total number of new users as a whole, expressed as a percentage and as a bar.

Using Geo

Countries View

To get data on your users and their sessions by geography, go to the Countries View in the Geo feature. 

First, using the date picker, set the date for which you want to visualize data. The widgets, map, and data table will update with the relevant data. 

You can also click on any part of the map to focus on a geographical region. This will take you to a country-specific page, where the data within the widgets will update to reflect the selected region. The data table will be updated with a city-specific breakdown of the total sessions, total users, and new users. To return to the global view, simple click the Back to Countries button at the top left of the page.

The data table can be arranged in ascending or descending order of any of the columns by using the arrows next to each column heading. You can also download the information within the data table in CSV, JSON, or XLSX format by clicking the Downward Arrow button on the top right of the data table.

Activity Map View

To delve into the activity map and see which regions your users are based in, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Geo, and then click on the second tab - Activity Map - at the top of the page. This will take you to the Activity Map View.

To start, use the Dropdown Menu button to set a date range for when you want to see the data. By default, you will see session-based information. Let's first look into how to read this data.

On the world map, you will see session distribution by countries with blue circles. When you hover over any of these, the value and country name are displayed. You can see data on a region or city level by clicking on any country name in the data list next to the world map. If the country has regions and region data is known, regions are shown with borders, and data is displayed in blue circles. Use the button at the top of the map to switch between cities and region data. Every time you make a selection, you will see a list of regions or cities to the left of the world map. When any region or city name is clicked, the user list for that area is opened in User Profiles

To go back to the world map view, simply click on the Back to World Map button at the top of the area list.

To see event-based data instead of session information, use the Results Filter button at the top of the page, and click on Events. A drawer will open, giving you a list of events, and you can select any event to see its respective data. This will update the information to event-based data. Interacting with this data is the same as interacting with the data for sessions.

Languages View

To get data on your users and their sessions by language, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Geo, and then click on the third tab - Languages - at the top of the page. This will take you to the Languages View. 

First, using the date picker, set the date for which you want to visualize data. The pie charts and data table will update with the relevant data. 

If you want to focus on a few languages, you can remove the others from either of the pie charts by simply clicking on the language name in the list next to the respective pie chart. Note: Clicking on a language name will only result in its removal from the related pie chart, not both.

The data table can be arranged in ascending or descending order of any of the columns by using the arrows next to each column heading. You can also download the information within the data table in CSV, JSON, or XLSX format by clicking the Downward Arrow button on the top right of the data table.



The Technology feature is available in Countly Lite, Countly Enterprise, and built-in Flex

The Technology feature in Countly contains multiple views, all of which cater to providing information on the technical preferences of your app users and website visitors in terms of the devices they use, the resolutions the devices use, as well as versions of apps and browsers, among others. This information is crucial to understanding how and where your users are interacting with your product, and how you can positively influence these interactions by focusing on technically specific features or changes.

Getting Started

Most of the Technology feature views are enabled by default. However, it is important to enable Densities so that this metric is tracked. To do so, go to Sidebar > Management > Feature Management, and enable the toggle for Density Metric. You are now ready to start tracking all technology-related metrics.

Understanding Technology


The Technology feature has multiple views, including: 

  1. Platforms
  2. Devices and Types
  3. Resolutions
  4. App Versions
  5. Carriers (for mobile apps)
  6. Browsers (for web apps)
  7. Densities

Understanding Shared Metrics

While most of these views have their own widgets and metric cards, they share some common metrics.

Data Table

The data table in each view contains the below information:

  • Primary metric: This includes the platform, device, resolution, and any other metric in each respective view. Each of the below metrics are applicable to the highlighted category and data.
  • Total Sessions: Number of times your application is opened, by new or returning users, in the selected time period.
  • Total Visitors: Number of times your application is opened by a new or returning user from a unique device, in the selected time period. It is equal to the number of Unique Sessions.
  • New Visitors: Number of times your application is opened by a new user, in the selected time period. It is equal to the number of New Sessions.

Date Picker

Each view also has a date picker, which needs to be set to the desired date range for which you want to review data. The widgets and data table will populate with data for the selected period.

Drill Data

To run a query into detailed Technology data, you need to simply click on the 3-dot Ellipsis Menu button next to the name of the view, and then click on Drill Data. You will be redirected to the Drill feature.

Understanding and Using Technology Views

Understanding and Using Platforms


The Platforms View gives you details of the platforms on which your users access your application, in the selected time period. The Platforms View can be accessed by going to Main Menu > Analytics > Technology. It is the default view of this feature.

Platforms shows you the platform and platform versions distribution by Total Session, Total Visitors (Users), and New Visitors (Users). To start, select a date range using the Date Picker dropdown button and set a period for which you want to study the data.

Next, select the metric you want to analyze - this can be done using the dropdown button under the date picker. By default, Total Sessions is selected on the dropdown. You can use the dropdown to opt for Total Visitors or New Visitors.

The widgets under the dropdown will automatically update with data on the platforms, including the number of sessions, visitors, and so on as selected, as well as their percentage in the entire user base.

Under that, you will see platform version data for each platform in the widget above the respective column. Here, you will see the number of sessions, visitors, and so on as selected, as well as their percentage in the entire user base for each platform version.

The Data Table under these widgets have two tabs: Platforms and Versions. Platforms shows you the number of total sessions, total users, and new users by platform. Click on the Versions tab to see the versions' data breakdown. You can use the dropdown button on the data table to select the platform, and the table will get populated with the relevant versions and their data for the same three metrics.

You can search within the Data Table using the Search bar at the top right of the table, and download the details in a CSV, JSON, or XLSX report by clicking the Downward Arrow button next to the search bar.

Understanding and Using Devices and Types


The Devices and Types View provides details of the device models and types from which your users access your application, in the selected time period. To analyze the devices and types data, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Technology > Devices and Types View, which is the second tab on the top of the Technology feature default view.

The Devices and Types View has two tabs at the top of the page, between which you can switch to see Devices and Types.

Devices Tab

To get started with device data, set a date range using the Date Picker dropdown button. The two Pie Charts under the date picker will be populated with data on Total Sessions and New Visitors for the selected period, categorized by device model. You can click on any item in the list of details next to either of the pie charts to remove those results from the pie chart, and bring others into greater focus. Note that while the top 12 devices are shown on the pie charts, all devices are given on the table below.

Under the pie charts are Three Widgets. These contain data on the top three platforms, platform versions, and top resolutions for the total sessions metric. Each of the top three items is shown as a percentage of the whole.

Under the widgets is the Data Table. This contains details on the three metrics - total sessions, total visitors, and new visitors for each device. You can search within the Data Table using the Search bar at the top right of the table, and download the details in a CSV, JSON, or XLSX report by clicking the Downward Arrow button next to the search bar.

Types Tab

The Types Tab can be reached by clicking the tab at the top of the Devices and Types View. Like with the Devices Tab, you need to first set a date range with the Date Picker dropdown button. The two Pie Charts under the date picker will be populated with data on Total Sessions and New Visitors for the selected period, categorized by the device type, i.e., mobile, tablet, and desktop. You can click on any item in the list of details next to either of the pie charts to remove those results from the pie chart, and bring others into greater focus. Note that while the top 12 items are shown on pie charts, similar to devices, all device types are given on the table below.

Under the pie charts is the Data Table. This contains details on the three metrics - total sessions, total visitors, and new visitors for each type of device. You can search within the Data Table using the Search bar at the top right of the table, and download the details in a CSV, JSON, or XLSX report by clicking the Downward Arrow button next to the search bar.

Understanding and Using Resolutions


The Resolutions View gives you detailed information on the resolution settings of the devices through which your users access your application, in the selected time period. To get started with Resolutions, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Technology > Resolutions View. This is the third view in the technology feature. 

Like with the others, to start using Resolutions, you need to first set a date range with the Date Picker dropdown button. The two Pie Charts under the date picker will be populated with data on New Visitors and Total Sessions for different resolutions. You can click on any item in the list of details next to either of the pie charts to remove those results from the pie chart, and bring others into greater focus. Note that while the top 12 resolutions are shown on the pie charts, all resolutions are given on the table below.

Under the pie charts is the Data Table. This contains details on the three metrics - total sessions, total visitors, and new visitors for each resolution. You can search within the Data Table using the Search bar at the top right of the table, and download the details in a CSV, JSON, or XLSX report by clicking the Downward Arrow button next to the search bar.

Understanding and Using App Versions

App Version Adaption.png

Application version adoption refers to the rate at which users of a particular mobile application upgrade to the latest version released by the app developer. It measures the percentage or proportion of users who have updated their app to the latest version compared to those who are still using older versions.

Application version adoption is an important metric for developers and app publishers as it provides insights into the user base's willingness to update and use the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes offered in the new version.App Versions is the fourth tab at the top of the Technology feature. To use it, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Technology > App Versions View.

As with the others, you need to first set a date range for your data. Use the Date Picker dropdown button to do this. Underneath, there is a selector, which includes different metrics. You can select any metric and it will help you refine your results. This allows you to see the distribution of adoption for different app versions based on Total sessions, Total users, and New users, either in percentage or actual numbers.

This will populate the bar chart which will give you in depth analysis of Application version Adoption.You can hover over any date to see a pop-up of the details of all the app versions for that specific date. You can download this bar chart as an image by clicking the Downward Arrow button on the top right of the image.

Under the Bar Chart is the Data Table. This contains details on the three metrics - total sessions, total users, and new users for each version of your application. You can search within the Data Table using the Search bar at the top right of the table, and download the details in a CSV, JSON, or XLSX report by clicking the Downward Arrow button next to the search bar.

Understanding and Using Browsers


The Browsers View provides the details of the browsers from which your users access your application, in the selected time period. Browsers is the fifth tab at the top of the technology features. To use it, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Technology > Browsers View.

As with the others, you need to first set a date range for your data. Use the Date Picker dropdown button to do this.

Next, select the metric you want to analyze - this can be done using the dropdown button under the date picker. By default, Total Sessions is selected on the dropdown. You can use the dropdown to opt for Total Visitors or New Visitors.

The widgets under the dropdown will automatically update with data on the browsers, including the number of sessions, visitors, and so on as selected, as well as their percentage in the entire user base.

Under that, you will see browser version data for each browser in the widget above the respective column. Here, you will see the number of sessions, visitors, and so on as selected, as well as their percentage in the entire user base for each browser version. Note that while the top 12 items are shown on metric cards, all browsers are given in detail on the table below.

The Data Table under these widgets have two tabs: Browsers and Versions. Browsers shows you the number of total sessions, total users, and new users by browser. Click on the Versions tab to see the versions' data breakdown. You can use the dropdown button on the data table to select the browser, and the table will get populated with the relevant versions and their data for the same three metrics.

You can search within the Data Table using the Search bar at the top right of the table, and download the details in a CSV, JSON, or XLSX report by clicking the Downward Arrow button next to the search bar.

Understanding and Using Densities


The Densities View gives you details of the display densities of the devices from which your users access your application, based on their pixel ratios, in the selected time period. Densities is the sixth tab at the top of the technology features. To use it, go to Main Menu > Analytics > Technology > Densities View.

As with the others, you need to first set a date range for your data. Use the Date Picker dropdown button to do this. Next, select the metric you want to analyze - this can be done using the dropdown button under the date picker. By default, Total Sessions is selected on the dropdown. You can use the dropdown to opt for Total Visitors or New Visitors.

The widgets under the dropdown will automatically update with data on the densities, including the number of sessions, visitors, and so on as selected, as well as their percentage in the entire user base.

Under that, you will see densities' version data for each density in the widget above the respective column. Here, you will see the number of sessions, visitors, and so on as selected, as well as their percentage in the entire user base for each density version. Note that while the top 12 items are shown on metric cards, all densities are given in detail on the table below.

The Data Table under these widgets have two tabs: Densities and Versions. Densities shows you the number of total sessions, total users, and new users by density. Click on the Versions tab to see the versions' data breakdown. You can use the dropdown button on the data table to select the density, and the table will get populated with the relevant versions and their data for the same three metrics.

You can search within the Data Table using the Search bar at the top right of the table, and download the details in a CSV, JSON, or XLSX report by clicking the Downward Arrow button next to the search bar.


Why does the total number of Returning Users increase for a smaller time period selected than a larger time period?

 The number of users for a month can be higher than a time frame of a year because as the new user count is higher for the selected period, the smaller returning users number will be. However, to address this, we need to first ask for larger period data, such as selecting the last 36 months from the date picker to make sure there is really no past data.

If we start using Countly in a particular year,  then why do we see returning users?

Usually, Countly merges your existing users with the new users that you get after implementing Countly. So you can see the returning users as well when you implement Countly.


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