Internal Events (for v20.11)

For more details on Drill Events, please see this document.

Internal events

In addition to the Events that you define, some Internal Events are also stored in Drill, depending on the enabled plugin features and functionality used. These include Events actions, like Session, that is converted to Event format. The list of Internal Events is evolving and currently include:

  • [CLY]_session for sessions
  • [CLY]_crash for crashes
  • [CLY]_view for views
  • [CLY]_action for actions like clicks, taps, etc.
  • [CLY]_push_action for actions performed on push notifications
  • [CLY]_push_open for opened push notifications
  • [CLY]_push_sent for sent push notifications
  • [CLY]_nps for tracking NPS surveys
  • [CLY]_survey for tracking surveys
  • [CLY]_star_rating for tracking ratings
  • [CLY]_apm_device for tracking device type performance monitoring data points
  • [CLY]_apm_network for tracking network type performance monitoring data points
  • [CLY]_orientation for tracking device orientation

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