A/B testing plugin required
This collection might not appear if you don't have ab testing plugin enabled
There are multiple ab_testing_experiments{appID} collections, one for each application. This collection holds information about the ab testing experiments for the selected application.
Here is the list of possible fields -
Field | Description | Example |
_id | Unique ID of the condition generated by MongoDB engine | 6c6596239592c96ae9e970bf |
id | An auto increment experiment number | 1 |
name | The name of the experiment | My test experiment |
type | Type of the experiment | remote-config |
target_users | An object containing percentage and filter info of the users for whom the experiment is targeted | { "percentage": "50", "condition": "{\"up.d\":{\"$in\":[\"iPhone8,1\"]}}", "condition_definition": "Device = iPhone 6s" } |
goals | An array containing the experiment goals. Goals are similar to cohorts query | [ { "steps": "[{\"type\":\"did\",\"event\":\"[CLY]_session\",\"times\":{\"$gte\":1},\"period\":\"0days\",\"query\":{},\"queryText\":\"\",\"byVal\":\"\"}]", "user_segmentation": "{\"query\":{\"custom.Facebook Login\":{\"$in\":[\"true\"]}},\"queryText\":\"Facebook Login = true\"}" } ] |
variants | An array containing the variants of the experiment | [ { "name": "Control group", "parameters": [ { "name": "button_color", "value": "red" } ] }, { "name": "Variant A", "parameters": [ { "name": "button_color", "value": "green" } ] } ] |
status | The status of the experiment - drafts, running, completed | completed |
created_at | A unix timestamp (in millisecond) marking the experiment creation time | 1564896097406 |
started_at | A unix timestamp (in millisecond) marking the experiment start time | 1564896098406 |
completed_at | A unix timestamp (in millisecond) marking the experiment completion time | 1564896197406 |
position | Array with x and y coordinates of the experiment on the display grid | [0,0] |
size | Array with width and height of the experiment | [4,3] |
results | A result string of the experiment | "{\"total_users\":0,\"improvement_data\":[{\"0\":[],\"index\":0,\"label\":\"Control group\",\"total_variant_users\":0},{\"0\":[],\"index\":1,\"label\":\"Variant A\",\"total_variant_users\":0}],\"performance_data\":{\"0\":[]},\"winner\":{\"winner\":null,\"variant_index\":null,\"winner_status\":\"winner_not_found\"}}" |