Crash Analytics plugin required
This collection might not appear if you don't have crash analytics plugin enabled
There are multiple app_crashusers{appID} collections, one collection for each specific app.
Collection name is formed using "app_crashusers" string and app ID.
So for example for app with ID "542e95d747f0be510c000004" the collection name would be: "app_crashusers542e95d747f0be510c000004"
Collection contains data about which user had which crash type
Here is the list of fields available:
Field | Description | Example |
_id | Unique id of the relation | 5705d7a5e7313e322d2ae037 |
group | Id of crash group or 0 if for overall user stats | 814f5cab4e69dd5820fc9970e45f961183594a8f |
uid | Internal user id | 9 |
sessions | Amount of sessions since last crash | 1 |
reports | Amount of reports for this crash | 1 |
crashes | How many different crashes user had | 2 |
fatal | How many of crashes were fatal | 2 |
Here's is how an example document could look like
"_id": "5714b8f4554f029a72b3a09c",
"group": "814f5cab4e69dd5820fc9970e45f961183594a8f",
"uid": "9",
"sessions": 1,
"reports": 1
"_id": "5714b8f4554f029a72b3a09f",
"group": 0,
"uid": "a",
"crashes": 2,
"fatal": 2