
Dashboards plugin required

This collection might not appear if you don't have dashboards plugin enabled

Collection dashboards holds information about all the custom dashboards added to Countly.

Here is the list of fields available:

Field Description Example
_id Unique ID of the dashboard generated by MongoDB engine 5b2bacee8sa47667f394cb44
name Name given to the dashboard while creating it Test-dashboard
owner_id Unique id of the owner who created the dashboard 5b0xa91a04e23d64d2f55daa
shared_with_edit Unique id's of users who can edit the dashboard [ "2d64d2f55daab0xa91a04e23", "5a04e23d64d2f55daab0xa91" ]
shared_with_view Unique id's of users who can only view the dashboard [ "3daab0xad604e234d2f5591a", "764d2f55daab0xa91a04e23d" ]
theme Id of the theme selected ranging from 1-6 3
widgets Array of all the widgets added to the dashboard [ "a025510fc63c9d11f3e95b44", "fc3eefaaca075b3f90eb6eec" ]

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