Collection data_migrations holds information about your exports, using data migration plugin. If there aren't any exports done on Countly server, you might not have this collection at all.
Here is the list of fields available:
Field | Description | Example |
_id | Unique ID, it is created combining App id's from those apps, which are exported. If there is happening another export for the same apps, there still be only one record in collection | b18e10498ec0f41a85bb8155ccd4a209819319a3 |
step | Step of export process. One of:"exporting", "packing", "validating_files", "sending", "importing" | exporting |
status | Status of this export step(one of those values): "progress","finished","failed" | progress |
progress | Value (0-100). If export is in exporting step, it shows how many % of documents are exported. (Based on count not size) | 50 |
ts | Timestamp of last update | 1479283513 |
reason | If there is error in export process - error message is saved here. | |
created | Timestamp, when export process is started | 1479283513 |
stopped | If export process is stopped (via api on pressing button in dashboard)- true, else - false. | false |
only_export | True or false. true: data is only exported and not set to any other server false: exported data should be sent to other server | true |
server_address | Server address, where export should be sent to. | |
server_token | Token created on target server, to allow import | a46f5e11bc144e80143b ac04b0074fbac1f76bc0 |
redirect_traffic | True or false. Redirect traffic after data is exported on other server. | false |
aditional_files | True or false. If true - symbolication files are also exported | false |
apps | Array of app id's which are being exported | [ "58650a47cc2ed563c5ad964c", "59650a47cc2ed563c5ad964c" ] |
app_names | Array of app_names for apps, which are exported | ["Test","Test1"] |
userid | User, who is exporting data | 5996c379b4df480650e17df8 |
User's email(user, who is exporting data) | | |
log | Log name for this export. All logs are saved in countly/logs folder. | dm-export_b18e10498ec0f41a85bb8155ccd4a209819319a3.log |
export_path | Place, where your export is saved. If not different path is set it is in form: {Countly path}/plugins/data_migration/export/{export_id}.tar.gz | /usr/local/countly/plugins/data_migration/export/b18e10498ec0f41a85bb8155ccd4a209819319a3.tar.gz |
Here's is how an example document could look like on data_migrations collection
"_id": ObjectID("b18e10498ec0f41a85bb8155ccd4a209819319a3"),
"step": "exporting",
"status": "finished",
"progress": 0,
"ts": 1515593383493,
"reason": "",
"created": 1515593382313,
"stopped": false,
"only_export": true,
"server_address": "",
"server_token": "",
"redirect_traffic": false,
"aditional_files": false,
"apps": [ "58650a47cc2ed563c5ad964c" ],
"app_names": [ "Demo" ],
"userid": "5996c379b4df480650e17df8",
"email": "",
"log": "dm-export_b18e10498ec0f41a85bb8155ccd4a209819319a3.log",
"export_path": "/usr/local/countly/plugins/data_migration/export/b18e10498ec0f41a85bb8155ccd4a209819319a3.tar.gz"