This document helps you troubleshoot a Countly instance, especially when you have a problem with Linux instance, MongoDB, processes, or Countly application service itself.
Countly Memory Management in General
As a general rule of thumb, you should do your planning based on 5M data points per core, and 4 GB of RAM for each core for standalone (Countly + MongoDB) servers. Contact us if you want to use HA and replica sets and we'll be happy to provide you with a server topology.
Countly forks a child process for each available core in the system so a 6 core system will run 6 Countly API nodes. Each will use around 2 GB RAM max.
MongoDB engine uses a mix of in RAM storage and filesystem. RAM is preferable to MongoDB, and to achieve that, MongoDB will try to store the "working set" (documents that were accessed recently) in memory. If you don't see Countly server using all the RAM, this is why it won't always use the entire available RAM in the system, it'll use what it needs at that time.
If you have page fault monitoring in your instance, you'll see an increased number of page faults if RAM is not enough for MongoDB to store the working set in memory - which means MongoDB is doing file operations which will be drastically slow.
Checking Disk Space
df -kh
Checking Resource Usage
vmstat 1
free -m
#by process
Checking if Process Was Killed by System
Sometimes you can't find, in the logs, why process was killed, as it just exited. You can check here if process was killed because, for example, server ran out of memory.
dmesg | tail
tail /var/log/kern.log -n 1000
tail /var/log/syslog -n 1000
Getting Countly Version
countly version
Or if command line does not work
#run inside countly dir
cat package.json
Getting Countly Installation Directory
countly dir
or switching to Countly directory
cd `countly dir`
if Countly command line does not work
#if running on systemd
cat /etc/systemd/system/countly.service
#if running on upstart
cat /etc/init/countly-supervisor.conf
Enabling Countly Command Line if it's Not Available
#run inside countly dir
bash bin/scripts/
Checking if Countly is Running
countly status
Checking Countly Logs
#run inside countly dir
#get latest 500 lines of api log
tail log/countly-api.log -n 500
#get latest 500 lines of dashboard log
tail log/countly-dashboard.log -n 500
Restarting Countly
#simply restart process
countly restart
#regenerate production files, install mising dependencies and restart process
countly upgrade
Checking and removing ghost processes
In rare cases, if a Countly process is stuck and you may want to kill and restart Countly.
# check current processes (should contain node or nodejs processes for countly)
#stop countly
countly stop
#recheck if still has node or nodejs processes
#if has them, kill them
pkill node
#start countly
countly start
Checking Countly HTTP Access Without nginx
#checking if dashboard process runs (should return webpage)
wget -O-
#checking if api process runs (should return 400 Bad request)
wget -O-
Checking Port Connections
#checking amount of connections to mongodb (assuming default port 27017)
sudo netstat -nputw | grep 27017 | wc -l
Checking Connection to Database
#connects to db, gets document with configurations and outputs them
countly config list values
Increasing Countly Limits
Limits for the process are managed by init system, so you need to change values in their config files which are
#if running on systemd
cat /etc/systemd/system/countly.service
#if running on upstart
cat /etc/init/countly-supervisor.conf
Adding a User to Dashboard
#adds global admin from command line
countly add_user <username> <password>
#and then when not needed anymore to remove
countly remove_user <username> <password>
Clearing Failed Login Time
#connect to mongo
#or use required parameters based on your mongodb setup
use countly
Checking MongoDB Version
mongod --version
Checking if mongod Process is Running
It should also reveal path to config file.
ps -ax | grep mongo
Starting mongod Process
#starting MongoDB
systemctl start mongod
start mongod
#centos/rhel 6
service mongod start
Restarting MongoDB Process
#restarting MongoDB on
systemctl restart mongod
restart mongod
#centos/rhel 6
service mongod restart
Checking MongoDB Logs
#default log path is /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log or check in mongod.conf file for systemLog.path
#config file is usually at/etc/mongod.conf or check if process running to get path
tail /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log -n 500
Connecting to MongoDB
#In simple case if mongodb is on the same server its just
mongo `countly mongo`
#if port is changed to for example 111222
mongo --port 111222
#if it is on another server, for example
mongo --host
#if it is behind authentication
mongo --username <username> --password <password> --authenticationDatabase <dbname>
#if it is through ssl
mongo --ssl --sslAllowInvalidCertificates
#if it is replica set
mongo --host <replSetName>/<hostname1><:port>,<hostname2><:port>,<...>
Checking How Countly Connects to MongoDB
#run on countly server inside countly directory
cat api/config.js
#or establish mongo shell connection (requires mongodb tools on Countly server)
#using Countly connection data
mongo `countly mongo`
Checking Current/Allowed Connections
#connect to mongodb
#or some other connect approach depending on your mongodb configuration
#output connections info
Check how many connections are listening to a specific port
ss -a | grep ESTAB | grep 65017 | sed 's/ / /g' | sed 's/ / /g' | cut -d' ' -f 11 | cut -d':' -f1 | sort | uniq -c
Checking Current Reads and Writes
#or use correct params (from connecting to mongodb) based on your mongodb configuration
#press Ctrl+C to exit
If reads and writes are quite long (longer than 10 seconds), your MongoDB instance might be over-utilized and need to be scaled.
To check which reads or writes exactly are the longest (adjust running seconds based on the longest time in mongotop)
db.currentOp({"secs_running": {$gte: 10}})
Checking Currently Used Resources
#or use correct params (from connecting to mongodb) based on your mongodb configuration
#press Ctrl+C to exit
If, for example, there are lots of memory faults, it would mean the memory is being swapped and MongoDB would require more RAM to speed up queries.
Checking Replica Set Status
#connect to mongodb
#or use some correct parameters depending on your mongodb configuration
#output replica set status
#check how much secondary is behind the primary
#check oplog window (in which secondary must catch up with primary)
Checking Process Limits
First, you need to create script that checks the limits
if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then
echo ""
echo -e "\033[01;32mLimit checker\033[00m"
echo -e "\033[01;37mUsage:\033[01;33m $0 process_name\033[00m"
echo ""
exit 0
for process in $@; do
process_pids=`ps -C $process -o pid --no-headers | cut -d " " -f 2`
if [ -z $@ ]; then
echo "[no $process running]"
for pid in $process_pids; do
echo "[$process #$pid -- limits]"
cat /proc/$pid/limits
return-limits $1
Then you can use it as
mongoserver041 ~ $ ./ mongod
[mongod #43447 -- limits]
Limit Soft Limit Hard Limit Units
Max cpu time unlimited unlimited seconds
Max file size unlimited unlimited bytes
Max data size unlimited unlimited bytes
Max stack size 10485760 unlimited bytes
Max core file size 0 unlimited bytes
Max resident set unlimited unlimited bytes
Max processes 32000 32000 processes
Max open files 1000000 1000000 files
Max locked memory 65536 unlimited bytes
Max address space unlimited unlimited bytes
Max file locks unlimited unlimited locks
Max pending signals 125029 125029 signals
Max msgqueue size 819200 819200 bytes
Max nice priority 0 0
Max realtime priority 0 0
Max realtime timeout unlimited unlimited us
Increasing MongoDB Limits
To maximize system limits for MongoDB, we suggest two-step configuration.
1. For system-wide limits, /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.file-max = 392000
kernel.pid_max = 256000
kernel.threads-max = 256000
vm.max_map_count = 512000
2. For the user of MongoDB service limits, /etc/security/limits.conf
{MONGODB_USER} soft nproc 256000
{MONGODB_USER} hard nproc 256000
{MONGODB_USER} soft nofile 392000
{MONGODB_USER} hard nofile 392000
To get MongoDB user's name:
grep mongod /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '{print $1}'
Re-indexing Data
In some cases (due to data transfers or concurrency) some index may be missing. If you think this is the case, you can run reindexing scripts, which will add all missing indexes. It is completely safe to run and rerun it multiple times
#go to countly directory
cd `countly dir`
#run script to add missing core indexes
node bin/scripts/add_indexes.js
#if you are on enterprise edition, you should also reindex granualr data
node plugins/drill/update_index.js
This script runs in serial with least effect on performance, but note that on large data, this process may take multiple hours. To check the progress of the index that is currently added, you can run this command:
db.currentOp(true).inprog.forEach(function(op){ if(op.msg) print(op.msg) })
Debugging and Troubleshooting Incoming SDK Requests
If you would like to understand why data is not arriving to Countly server, or why you see partial data, check this FAQ item to troubleshoot further.
Checking if 3rd Party Email Service Functions Correctly
- Got to Management > Email reports and create a new report.
- Press Preview button to make sure there is data to report and all is showing correctly.
- Optionally, clear the logs in Countly, specifically the countly/log/countly-api.log file.
- Press send now to send report to your provided email address.
- If no error in the log, it usually means e-mail has left the server. It is not possible for us to track it further.
- Check if the e-mail has arrived. There may be cues in your 3rd party service about this particular transaction.