

Browser plugin required

This collection might not appear if you don't have browser plugin enabled

Collection browser contains break down of new, total and unique browsers provided in the metrics by time periods.

This value is provided for Web Type apps through Countly Web SDK

For shorter representation, these stats are abbreviated as:

  • n - new
  • t - total
  • u - unique

There are 4 types of documents available:

  1. Zero document, which id is formed from {appID}_{year}:0 And it contains stats breakdown by months and weeks for the specified year
  2. Month document, which id is formed from {appID}_{year}:{month} And it contains stats breakdown by days of the month
  3. Splitted zero document which id is formed from {appID}{year}:0{shardname}
  4. Splitted month document which id is formed from {appID}{year}:{month}{shardname}

Here is the list of possible fields

Field Description Example
_id ID formed as {appID}{year}:0 or {appID}{year}:{month} or {appID}{year}:0{shardname} or {appID}{year}:{month}{shardname} 542e95d747f0be510c000004_2014:10
a App ID 542e95d747f0be510c000004
d Data for specific document {       "2": {          "Chrome": {             "u": 95          },          "Internet Explorer": {             "u": 100          },          "Firefox": {             "u": 108          },          "Safari": {             "u": 112          },          "Opera": {             "u": 97          }       },       "3": {          "Chrome": {             "u": 112          },          "Internet Explorer": {             "u": 103          },          "Firefox": {             "u": 98          },          "Opera": {             "u": 87          },          "Safari": {             "u": 88          }       } }
m {year}:{month} for which data is provided 2014:10
meta Information about all browser values. Note it exists only for Zero documents of each year "browser": [          "Chrome",          "Firefox",          "Safari",          "Android",          "Chromium",          "Opera",          "Samsung Browser",          "Edge",          "Internet Explorer",          "Netscape",          "QQbrowser",          "Qt",          "IE Mobile",          "Yandex Browser",          "Vivaldi",          "Google App"       ]
meta_v2 New way to store meta info, much faster writes than using sets "browser":{          "Chrome":true,          "Firefox":true }


Here are examples of both document types:

Zero document Month document
   "_id": "56e55995949406aa5a70b618_2016:0",
   "m": "2016:0",
   "a": "56e55995949406aa5a70b618",
   "d": {
      "2": {
         "Chrome": {
            "u": 95
         "Internet Explorer": {
            "u": 100
         "Firefox": {
            "u": 108
         "Safari": {
            "u": 112
         "Opera": {
            "u": 97
      "3": {
         "Chrome": {
            "u": 112
         "Internet Explorer": {
            "u": 103
         "Firefox": {
            "u": 98
         "Opera": {
            "u": 87
         "Safari": {
            "u": 88
      "Chrome": {
         "u": 207
      "w11": {
         "Chrome": {
            "u": 29
         "Safari": {
            "u": 20
         "Internet Explorer": {
            "u": 27
         "Opera": {
            "u": 27
         "Firefox": {
            "u": 31
      "w9": {
         "Chrome": {
            "u": 43
         "Firefox": {
            "u": 51
         "Safari": {
            "u": 47
         "Opera": {
            "u": 37
         "Internet Explorer": {
            "u": 42
      "Internet Explorer": {
         "u": 203
      "w10": {
         "Internet Explorer": {
            "u": 56
         "Safari": {
            "u": 48
         "Firefox": {
            "u": 42
         "Opera": {
            "u": 45
         "Chrome": {
            "u": 61
      "w8": {
         "Internet Explorer": {
            "u": 51
         "Safari": {
            "u": 52
         "Firefox": {
            "u": 39
         "Chrome": {
            "u": 45
         "Opera": {
            "u": 48
      "Firefox": {
         "u": 206
      "w7": {
         "Internet Explorer": {
            "u": 27
         "Safari": {
            "u": 33
         "Chrome": {
            "u": 29
         "Firefox": {
            "u": 43
         "Opera": {
            "u": 27
      "Safari": {
         "u": 200
      "Opera": {
         "u": 184
   "meta": {
      "browser": [
         "Internet Explorer",

Custom Countly metrics

Same collection data pattern is also used in other custom Countly metrics you might want to use in your Countly installation

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