Views plugin required
This collection might not appear if you don't have views plugin enabled
There are multiple app_viewdata{appID} collections, one collection for each specific app.
Collection name is formed using "app_viewdata" string and app ID.
So for example for app with ID "542e95d747f0be510c000004" the collection name would be: "app_viewdata542e95d747f0be510c000004"
Collection contains data about when each view was visited with specific view metrics for each period.
Each view can have one segment, that is used as platform. And all the segment values are listed in document with meta as _id.
There are two types of other documents available: 1) Zero document, which id is formed from "{segment}{year}:0" or "no-segment{year}:0" And it contains stats breakdown by months and weeks for the specified year
2) Month document, which id is formed from "{segment}{year}:{month}" or "no-segment{year}:{month}". And it contains stats breakdown by days of the month Here is the list of fields available:
Field | Description | Example |
_id | D formed by {segment}{year}:0 or {segment}{year}:{month} | Linux_2015:12 |
m | {year}:{month} for which data is provided | 2015:10 |
a | App ID for which data is provided | 56e534dda941253d470e1194 |
d | Data for specific document | { "23": { "1": { "Message page": { "d": 17313 } }, "Message page": { "d": 17313 } }, "28": { "5": { "Profile page": { "d": 2 } }, "Profile page": { "d": 2 } } } |
meta | Information about all event's segments and their values. Note it exists only for Zero documents of each year | { "views": [ "Message page", "Profile page" ] } |
meta_v2 | Information about all event's segments and their values. Note it exists only for Zero documents of each year | { "views": { "Message page": true, "Profile page": true } } |
Recorded properties are:
- u - total users
- t - total visits
- s - landings
- e - exits
- b - bounces
- d - duration spent in seconds
- n - new users
Here's is how an example document could look like
"_id": "Windows Phone_2017:1_A",
"m": "2017:1",
"a": "586e3216326a8b0a07b8d87f",
"d": {
"3": {
"4": {
"Message page": {
"u": 1,
"t": 1,
"s": 1,
"e": 1,
"d": 49
"Message page": {
"u": 1,
"t": 1,
"s": 1,
"e": 1,
"d": 49
"_id": "Android_2017:0_g",
"meta_v2": {
"views": {
"Purchase Page": true
"m": "2017:0",
"a": "586e3216326a8b0a07b8d87f",
"d": {
"1": {
"Purchase Page": {
"u": 7
"Purchase Page": {
"u": 7
"w1": {
"Purchase Page": {
"u": 2
"w3": {
"Purchase Page": {
"u": 1
"w2": {
"Purchase Page": {
"u": 4
"_id": "meta",
"segments": [
"Mac OSX",
"Windows Phone"