

There are multiple app_users{appID} collections, one collection for each specific app.

A collection name is formed using "app_users" string and app ID.

So, for example, for an app with the ID "542e95d747f0be510c000004", the collection name would be: "app_users542e95d747f0be510c000004".

Below is a list of all possible fields:

Field Description Example
_id Unique user ID. cb51c8d13bbe95444dde6f14e802d53046eed08e
uid Internal user identifier. Note. 1
cc User's country, determined by connection IP. DE
rgn User's region, determined by connection IP. Bavaria
cty User's city, determined by connection IP. Munich
did Unique device ID provided by the SDK. 8897529E-B7E1-4B6E-BA00-3D8487DE2B19
md5_did md5 hash of device id for attribution ea495977f43e9e2bcbb0b95c54db17b2
fs Timestamp of the first session start. 1412339494
fac Timestamp of the first API call recorded on the device. 1412339494
first_sync Timestamp of the first API call received on the server 1412339494
ls Timestamp of the last session start.


lac Timestamp of the last API call recorded on the device. 1412339494
last_sync Timestamp of the last API call received on the server. 1412339494
sc Total session count. 2
sd Duration of the last session in seconds. 120
tsd Total Duration of all sessions in seconds. 1200
d User's device. iPad10,1
dt Device type tablet
mnf Manufacturer of device Samsung
c User's carrier. Verizon
p User's platform. Android
pv User's platform version prefixed by the platform's first letter. a5:0
av User's app version. 1:2
lv Last view accessed by the user. Profile page
vc Views accessed in this session. 3
lvt Timestamp when the last view was accessed. 1460411976
crashes Array of crash IDs the current user experiences. [3898c736ad344d3ae8cb906b72447595147d93b3]
hasInfo Boolean if user is identified. True if identified, false or does not exist if anonymous true
name User's full name. Arturs Sosins
username User's username. ar2rsawseen
email User's email address.
organization User's organization or company.
phone User's phone number. (854) 526-8024
gender User's gender: M for male and F for female. M
byear User's birth year. 1987
custom Custom properties provided for the user. {"login":"test"}
lp Timestamp of the last purchase. 1460411976
tp Total Purchase Amount. 2.42
tpc Total Purchase Count. 1
lpa Last Purchase Amount. 2.42
lo User's locale (ISO Standard). fr_FR
r User's device resolution. 600x800
dnst User's device screen density. 240dpi
la User's language, 2 letter iso code. fr
brw User's browser. Chrome
brwv Browser's version [chrome]_96:0:4664:110
src User's source (package name for Android, and referrer for Web Analytics).
src_ch Source Channel, for web applications, domain of traffic
ornt Orientation of device portrait
loc Object with location data. { gps: true, date: 1516619563010, geo: { type: "Point", coordinates: [10, 20] } }
loc.gps Boolean of whether the location is provided by the developer. true Date of location. 1516619563010
loc.geo MongoDB geospatial-compatible object with coordinates. { type: "Point", coordinates: [lon, lat] }
fsd First Day Retention bucket. 20160426
fsw First Week Retention bucket. 20160425
fsm First Month Retention bucket. 201604
cadfs Consecutive days of retention, starting from Day-0. If the user skips a day, then the number is not incremented after that day. The maximum value is 30. 15
cawfs Consecutive weeks of retention, starting from Week-0. If the user skips a week, then the number is not incremented after that week. The maximum value is 24. 2
camfs Consecutive months of retention, starting from Month-0. If the user skips a month, then the number is not incremented after that month. The maximum value is 13. 1
cdfs Relative retention alternative of cadfs. 13
cwfs Relative retention alternative of cawfs. 1
cmfs Relative retention alternative of camfs. 1
lsid Last session ID from the Drill database. 571f8be85f7d56a97e9aaa42
lvid Last view ID from the Drill database.  
tkip Boolean of whether the user has a production APN token set. true or false
tkia Boolean of whether the user has a TestFlight/AdHoc APN token set. true or false
tkid Boolean of whether the user has a development APN token set. true or false
tkap Boolean of whether the user has a production FCM token set. true or false
tkat Boolean of whether the user has a test FCM token set. true or false
cmp Campaign data { "_id": "9461713e03076a95175dccf4e91bab7511065790", "b": "Chrome", "bv": "75.0.3770.80", "c": "social5ab0c3ef92938d0e61cf77f4", "cnty": "CN", "l": "en-US", "last_click": 1558635152, "m": "false", "os": "Windows 10.0", "pl": "Windows", "r": "unknown", "n": "Social Campaign" },
nxret Flags for other retention types. If a user has data in external retention collection, then the existing fields are set as 1 for that user. {
"rd" : 1,
"rw" : 1
chr Cohort data, using the key as cohort ID; i is the timestamp of entering cohort; o is the timestamp of existing cohort; and in is "true" if the user is currently in the cohort. { "f431f38867ee6d8e807d1883692ff7ff": { "i": 1562593543, "o": 1562596497 }, "682cf41a1b24744cb6f6ae67d7c7642a": { "i": 1567610390, "in": "true" } }
consents List of consents.

{ "attribution": true, "clicks": true, "crashes": true, "events": true, "forms": true, "push": true, "scrolls": false, "sessions": true, "users": true, "views": true },

age age of the user computed yearly based on byear property


engagement Object storing last user engagement data for score computation, as session counts and durations for last days

"engagement": { "2023-03-31": { "sc": 1, "sd": 60} }

engagement_score Engagement score computed based on user activity in last 7 days



Debug user properties, that are stored and viewed in cases we want to understand what is happening with user documents and data on device

Field Description Example
last_req Hash of last request to prevent duplicate request


hadAnyFatalCrash Timestamp of any last fatal crash


hadFatalCrash Boolean if had a fatal crash


hadAnyNonfatalCrash Timestamp of any last non fatal error


hadNonfatalCrash Boolean if had a non fatal error


sdk Object containing information about last SDK user used

{ "name": "javascript_native_web", "version": "23.02.1" }

t Device ID type, 0 for SDK generated and 1 for custom


merges Amount of user merges user had


merged_uid Previous UID value before user was merged


merged_did Previous Device ID value before user was merged


hc Last health check data from SDK

{ "el": 0, "wl": 0, "sc": -1, "em": "" }

req_count Request count, goes only up to 100


rr Request count in the queue on device. The amount of requests that still need to sync with server


first_req_get GET data of first request that user received


first_req_post POST data of first request that user received


last_req_get GET data of last request that user received


last_req_post POST data of last request that user received


Temporary User properties that are set for user states and removed or ignored later

Field Description Example
hos Temporary flag: has ongoing session


ingested Temporary flag to ensure ingestion


lbst Temporary flag for last begin session timestamp


lest Temporary flag for last end session timestamp


data Temporary data for user activity

{ "views": 33, "events": 13, "crashes": 1 }


Here is an example of a user document:

    "_id": "cb51c8d13bbe95444dde6f14e802d53046eed08e",
    "uid": "1",
    "cc": "Unknown",
    "cty": "Unknown",
    "did": "1234567890",
    "fs": 1412339494,
    "ls": 1412339494,
    "sc": 2,
    "sd": 120,
    "tsd": 120,
    "lsid": "54f56aa4d2205b1917931c9d",
   	"d" : "iPad Air",
    "c" : "Verizon",
    "p" : "WP8",
    "pv" : "w7:0",
    "av" : "1:9"

About internal identifier

uid can be used to match up internal queries about user data with Drill and other collections.

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