Product Roadmap


The Countly Team is committed to ensuring that Countly is always useful, creating a complete, user-oriented, and extendible application analytics framework for mobile devices, web applications, desktop applications, and any other devices that can send events over the Internet.

This page is intended to provide a basic roadmap of where we are heading as we work on enhancements, fixes, and improvements on major functional and architectural parts of Countly.

Have a feature in mind?

If you have a feature request, please post it to the feature requests topic in the community area.

Priority Items

  • Granular user access controls (user and group management)
  • UX improvements on Reports and Drills.
  • Major UI changes on all plugins with a completely revamped, fresh, and clear design.
  • Enriched Dashboards.
  • Empowered Data Manager with new features

Long-Term Items

  • In-app notifications.
  • Email and SMS support in Messaging.
  • Geolocation-triggered push notifications.

Not Planned

  • Windows Notification Services (sending Push Notifications to Windows 8.1+ devices).
  • Web Push Notifications.

Completed Items

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